Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ahhh, Saturday...

Does anyone else agree that the 5:2 ratio of workdays to weekends is just not right?? We love having Jordan home! Our day was filled with grocery shopping, football, quality time with M and P, cooking fabulous quesadillas, and now more football. And I can't forget that Jordan surprised me with breakfast this morning!! He made pancakes :o)

I want to share some of our videos and pics from this week. Can you believe Mac and Paisley will be 5 months old next week?!?! Boy does time fly! It flies so fast... I was talking with a friend about when they "grow up," and would you believe I had tears running down my cheeks?? This age- every age thus far- has been my favorite. All the new things they are accomplishing and different ways they touch my heart. Pinch me, please!

This was in December- I promise our Christmas decor is put away :o)

We're figuring out our hands. Bouncing is fun in the mean time.

Take 1...

Take 2...

Take 3...

Annnnnd take 4... 

I plan to write about our routine, cloth diapering, and more of our activities of daily living this week! Stay tuned...

And please help spread the word about our blog! I LOVE hearing that you're enjoy our blog- it is very encouraging. Thank you!!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

On this day in 2011...

I was getting ready to meet a friend for lunch when I had an urge to take a pregnancy test. It was a Wednesday, and I wasn't supposed to get a positive until Friday- 2 weeks after our December 31, 2010 IUI (intrauterine insemination). Normally I would get really nervous and apprehensive before taking a test. I would be so anxious that I would forge taking the test and just wait for my cycle to start. This time was different. I didn't analyze what I would do with whatever the results were... I just took the test....

AND IT CAME OUT POSITIVE!! I immediately took another strip out of a package to test... ANOTHER POSITIVE! I laid on the bathroom floor staring at my reality. OH MY GOODNESS! I couldn't believe this was happening! 

I called Jordan, but he didn't answer. So I text him: Call me ASAP! He was in a meeting but had a gut feeling what the urgency in my text was saying. :o) 

Chattanooga had been hit with lots of snow and ice so the city was pretty still. I slid drove to TRM to have my blood drawn for hormone levels. The ice was scary, but I was on a cloud... cloud 9.

And here we are, a year later, we have TWO blessings sleeping in their cribs upstairs. 

Mac is trying to roll onto his stomach :o)
Our sweet P :o)

  "For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the LORD, 
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pay It Forward

Do you remember the movie Pay It Forward? If you've never seen it, I highly recommend this family drama. 

The movie is about a little boy who starts a trend to "Pay It Forward" by doing something kind for someone else, them repeating it, and an entire chain of goodness spreading throughout the culture. It's a great concept, but how often do we stop and think how we can 'pay it forward'? I'm guilty of being too busy to slow down and take in what surrounds me.

In October, I was sitting in the OB's office when I met a couple who were expecting boy/girl twins. They asked me several questions of 'how to' and 'what if'. In hindsight, the best way to know the answers is to practice, but we want to know so we can prepare for what's to come... It's a human trait.

After I left the doctor's office, the couple weighed heavy on my heart. I was frequently reminded of all the blessings we were given during our pregnancy, hospital stay, and after the birth of M and P. It has been my prayer that I 'pay it forward' when the opportunity lies ahead of me. Well here it was... I had something they needed: resources.

I went home and gathered all of the extra necessities we had- from bottles to clothes to bibs and so on- to pass along to this couple who were soon to have their bundles. I found so many things I had forgotten about and others that were more than we needed. I dropped off a trunk full- as many have done for us!- and was excited to share our blessings.

It's not often we get to see God work full circle, but today I was able to revel in His glory. As I checked out at Target, there stood the family of 4. I approached them, and she hugged me as if we were old friends who were just reunited. "What you did was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me," she said. 

Please do not think that I am gloating at my actions at all. I was merely a servant for Him as He placed before me an opportunity and filled my mind with reminders of blessings for me to respond. I was graced with the opportunity to see Him work in my life and in theirs. What a joy, what a peace! Thank you for using me, Father!!

And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, 
“Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 
He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?” 
And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” 
And he said to him, “You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live.”
Luke 10:25-28

Let us seek opportunities to "Pay It Forward" as they lie before us.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

To resolute or not to resolute...

It's a new year... 2012, here we are... With a new year, there's a feeling of new and starting over, eh? I agree, but it often feels like a catch 22 for me. I want to have a resolution, but if it's not met, how discouraging?! Why set myself up for a potential failure?? Then I found this:

Maybe by sharing my goals for 2012, I'm more obligated, and you can hold me accountable. So here they are... and Jordan shares the same so at least we're a team.

2012 has been marked as the year of wellness: spiritual and physical

Spiritual- Jordan and I value our faith above all else, and the Lord has certainly been good to us in our walk with Him. We hope to always strive to edify our life and please our Creator. One important necessity in growing in one's faith is to learn from the one who made us. The best way to accomplish this is by getting into the Word. 

So this goal is for us to be more consistent in getting into His Word. We have some down time after Mac and Paisley go to sleep, and this is when we will have our quality time with Him.  

Physical- exercise and eat better. Our double jogging stroller is on back order, but once it is here, boy I can't wait to get back to hitting the pavement! One potential obstacle I'm facing is our routine. I need to go after they eat so I'm less "inflated" with milk, but then it takes me a good 30-45 minutes to get out of the house! It's pretty typical by the time I get to where I'm headed, it's time to start the cycle all over again... I'm not trying to excuse myself. Promise. 

The second half of wellness is eating better. I took a 4 month hiatus from cooking while I struggled to figure out two babies, sleeping whenever I could, diaper duty (cloth diapers here, remember), and all the other things that change when your family is doubled in 19 minutes :o) 

I used to be a HUGE couponer, and I still see the value in clipping. However, I believe that being a strict couponer discouraged healthy eating habits in our family. Rarely are fresh produce and meats discounted via coupons. So I found my family eating the same boxed items... and produce wasn't a majority in our home. So far this year, I've used Pinterest to find some pretty awesome recipes. So with minimal couponing, I'm shopping (and definitely spending) more, but I once again enjoy cooking and trying new recipes! 

So we chose "to resolute" in 2012. What about you?? What are your resolutions? 

And of course, I'll sign off with pics of Mac and Paisley from today :o)

Yay for visitors!

On Wednesday my Aunt Debby brought my first cousins (Mac and Paisley's second cousins)- Carsen and Bailey- to visit. Their Christmas break was ending, and they wanted to spend a few days with us.

We did lots of fun things, and it was great spending time together.

On Thursday we all piled in my car and went on an outing... (Any trip outside of the house is an adventure with two infants.) I wanted to do some local shopping with the girls and introduce them to one of my favorite aspects of Chattanooga- downtown! We visited Plum Nelly and River City Apparel on Frazier. I took them to a local store where I have discovered cloth diapers and accessories- Retail Therapy. We walked the longest walking bridge in the world, the Walnut Street Bridge aka 'The Pedestrian Bridge'.

Our last stop happened to be my favorite. I'd never been there before, but I will definitely be returning to Merchants on Main. They had great home and wardrobe accessories! The candles they had on display scented the entire store. So delicious! I am restricted against candles that smell like food, though. I love them, but I can't have them in our home for good reason. ;-)

Carsen and Bailey were here for a few days to love on Mac and Paisley. Here's a few pictures of our time together....

Bailey holding Paisley and Carsen holding Mac

Our babies love to cuddle!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Babies' First Christmas!!

We celebrated Mac and Paisley's first Christmas this year.. well actually it was last year, but you know what I mean. ;-)

We visited our families for a week, and it was so much fun to have babies this year! How blessed we felt as we shared in the joyous holiday with our new family members! 

I'm pretty tight with our routine at home, but I am more flexible when we are out of town for a few reasons...
     1. It's almost impossible to maintain our exact day, and it's not worth it for me to stress out trying to do so.
     2. I hope to never discourage our family's desire to love on the babies... even through nap. 

We spent the first couple of days with Jordan's parents. Our trip began a day earlier than my family expected, so we were able to surprise my mom and brother at their work! (Not the same place.) These babies were quite the hit. I mean, they are pretty cute. 

Christmas Eve was a special experience for us. Last year we sat through the message and left with a changed heart about our infertility. After we left the service (last year), I went home and started the gonadotropin injections.... and this year we sat in the service holding two precious miracles. It was surreal. It still is. And here we are:

Jordan holding Paisley, Dad, me, and Mom holding Mac.
 We went to my mom's after church and celebrated the eve of Jesus' birth with my aunt Dee, uncle Larry, cousin Donna and her daughter Dreya, and my immediate family- Mom, Dad, brother Jeff, and our niece Lilly. 

Christmas morning I left Mac and Paisley in their "Baby's First Christmas" pajamas:

We went to Jordan's brother's house Christmas afternoon. Mac and Paisley had 3 cousins anxiously awaiting their arrival! We got to meet their new family member- an adorable puppy named 'Nash'. 

Caitlin, Paxton, Kyle holding Nash, and Blake

Christmas vacation ended, and we were all anxious to get home. Mac and Paisley did great on our 7 day trip. Coming home was bittersweet... M and P were ready to be in their own beds, but we certainly miss our family! 

It's late, but MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!!!! 


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why follow??

As my first post, I want to share why I'm blogging... and why you would be interested!

*After a long journey, I'm a first time mom.. of twins!! 

Paisley and Mac in their 4 month pic :o)

 *Mac is our sweet, chunky boy, and Paisley is our petite girl.... but her petite-ness doesn't limit her spunky personality.

*I'm fortunate enough to stay at home so I rarely miss a beat with these bundles. I plan to share the excitement with you!

*I nurse both babies.

*We use cloth diapers! (an adventure in and of itself.. times 2!)

Ahhhh these adventures are exciting, and I hope you'll join us along the ride! 

Ask questions, and I'll be happy to answer!
