Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter 2014

We went to our hometown for Easter. It was the weekend at the end of spring break so we got to see a lot of family. 
We went to a Good Friday service that evening, and Mac loved the bunnies. We tried (oh, we tried) to get a pic of the kids with the costume bunny, but no way was that happening. Not even close. 
The next day we went to Brentwood for cousin time. 
Paisley was riding high with the big girls, Mac couldn't get enough of the toy cars, and LS learned to zip line. 

The car ride home:
The next day we celebrated Easter at the park with Nana, Paw Paw, and Uncle Jeff.
The kids dyed eggs, hunted for eggs, played, had a picnic and completed the weekend with sugar rush and crash. 
Jordan is too cool for a selfie. 
I have no idea... Except this is typical Paisley...
Before he went to sleep I got a picture of Wells in the same Easter outfit that Mac wore. 
Here is their Easter 2012 picture in the same place:
Be still, my heart. 
One last picture to end on.. 
Happy Easter, y'all! Celebrate the resurrection of our King who defeated death. He is Risen! 

as always,

Wells is 5 Months!

My Wells... These months continue to fly by us too fast. You're growing, changing, and interacting in every way. You are so loved with siblings to parent you and parents who adore you. 

You are blowing raspberries, teething, and being attacked by a sticker monster. 

This month you've laughed more and more. You've found your hands and are starting to discover your feet. You've rolled over! Both front to back and back to front. I'm sure you would have done this earlier if I were able to lie you down more. For one, I want to cuddle you all the time and second, you have a large cheer section that gravitates to you when the opportunity arises. I can't blame them. You smile ear to ear with each unique greeting. 
You love bath time. You kick with big eyes like all your might is displayed with each kick. You love when I cheer you. 
This month you've chatted up a storm! Anyone who makes eye contact and conversation falls in love with your social self. 
Paisley puts her baby things near you or in your absence. The swing, bouncy seat and crib are all up for grabs around these parts. 
We have taken a lot of selfies this month. I have to remember to get IN the picture with you as much as behind the camera. 
Here's Carsen loving on you a course weekends ago. Another fan right here. 
We love you sweet boy. Thank you for being you. 

-mommy and daddy

Friday, April 4, 2014

Happy 2-9!

Happy 2-9 to me!! And holding :) 

I had a great birthday yesterday. Jordan turned around his 'it's just another day' point of view and made it a rather special day for me :)

He and Lilly Scott concocted plans and surprises for a couple weeks. It was so cute watching her excitement over surprising me. I love that girl. 

The morning started with a couple texts from early rising friends, and Lilly brought me a bracelet she made. Jordan said she was up at 6:15 making the bracelet. What a sweet heart she has?! 

Jordan told me to be ready by noon for lunch with friends. I asked about the kids, and he said someone would be there to watch them. My anxiety started as I am apprehensive to leave my kids with anyone, really, but especially if I don't know who it is. Jordan told me to 'have faith' and I realized my control issues were at play here a bit also. Low and behold, at 11:30 the sitter walks in- Jordan! He was carrying balloons and a dairy/soy free birthday cake! 

I went to lunch with one of my favorites, Aimee, and then I went on a coffee date with Mary. 

Toward dinner time, I headed home to find Jordan and the kids waiting to eat one of my favorites- shredded pork tacos. It's a super easy crock pot meal I started that morning. 

Then we had songs, pictures, and a cake. 

I am so blessed to have such amazing family and friends. And Jordan- thank you. You truly are the love of my life. 

as always,

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Back to a Norm

We are a few months into Wells' birth, Mac's accident, and 2014... It's time for some sort of normal around here. 
This weather has us outside a lot!!
One norm I've really missed is the Y. We went at least twice a week until it exhausted me too much in pregnancy. A workout and chasing two 2 year olds was wearing me too thin. 
Well this week we've gotten back to the gym, and it has been so SO nice. When we were waking in, Mac and Paisley had this look of awe that told me they were excited for our old norm also. Of course this time we wheeled in the stroller and a new family member :) 
Getting to the gym in the mornings has worked out with all schedules, thank goodness! The hardest part is getting everyone ready, fed, and out the door before 8:15. 
We get to the gym during Wells' nap so I leave him in the car seat and lay him in their pack n play. I'm not keen on exposing him to any illnesses so I keep him covered. He sleeps. They are amazed. I'm proud :)
We've had play dates with friends, and that's been such a treat!!
We've also been back to preschool open gym.
We are ready for spring and ready to embrace more of our every day norms that have been in hibernation while we caught up with life :)
as always,