Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ahhh, Saturday...

Does anyone else agree that the 5:2 ratio of workdays to weekends is just not right?? We love having Jordan home! Our day was filled with grocery shopping, football, quality time with M and P, cooking fabulous quesadillas, and now more football. And I can't forget that Jordan surprised me with breakfast this morning!! He made pancakes :o)

I want to share some of our videos and pics from this week. Can you believe Mac and Paisley will be 5 months old next week?!?! Boy does time fly! It flies so fast... I was talking with a friend about when they "grow up," and would you believe I had tears running down my cheeks?? This age- every age thus far- has been my favorite. All the new things they are accomplishing and different ways they touch my heart. Pinch me, please!

This was in December- I promise our Christmas decor is put away :o)

We're figuring out our hands. Bouncing is fun in the mean time.

Take 1...

Take 2...

Take 3...

Annnnnd take 4... 

I plan to write about our routine, cloth diapering, and more of our activities of daily living this week! Stay tuned...

And please help spread the word about our blog! I LOVE hearing that you're enjoy our blog- it is very encouraging. Thank you!!
