Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mr. and Miss Personality

How sweet are babies in the morning?? I love how they love to snuggle and be close when they first wake up- it's one of my favorite times. Yesterday I took a couple of pictures of M and P in the morning to share with you just how sweet they are... as if you didn't already know. ;o) Paisley was catching some last minute z's and I was searching for pearly whites in Mac's gums. He was like, What are you doing, mom??!

Here we are at playtime before our morning nap. I love watching them play together. It is so sweet. They were born with a best friend. :o) 

Paisley kept switching the button to Spanish... Sadly it took me a minute to figure out why the toy was speaking Spanish. Silly girl, silly mama.

 I put a dress on Paisley yesterday, and she became so giddy it was hilarious. It's like she knew that she was wearing a dress and would twirl all day if she could. She fluffed the fabric and laughed over and over again. And of course Mac, well, he's so easy going, he could care less what I put on him... much like his dad. :o) And I guess that would make Paisley much like her mama :o)

P: Hey, big brother.  M: I'm watching something.
 P: Oh, there's mommy's camera... cheese!! M: feet! I remembered my feet!
 Me: Mac and Paisley! Hey, guys!
 Me: Let's switch spots so P is leaning on brother.
 P: I love my big brother. M: let go of my arm, please.
 P: I still love my big brother. M: Is this over yet?
P: Hey, mama. M: Surprise!!
 Paisley gives kisses to her brother... and he's such a boy- he isn't phased.

 We want to say thank you to our friend Becca at laughing bee designs for making Mac's onesie and Paisley's dress :o) 
Paisley's headband is from one of my favorite Etsy shops- Fairy Flowers & Bows. This shop is also making Paisley's Easter headband. I can't wait to see it!! Check out the store, and use the discount code "SAVE10" to get 10% off your order! Tell her I sent ya~

It's THURSDAY!!! Woo hoo!!


** I just checked on some bread I made to see if it was done... It should be done... If only I had actually put it in the oven.  :o/

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I Think I Can, I Think I Can...

I was reading one of our free books from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library the other day. The book was The Little Engine That Could. As I read about the difficulty that poor train had, I thought, goodness, sometimes I say 'I think I can, I think I can' throughout our day! I love love love being a stay at home mom, but there are days when I want to call in sick. Seriously.

Just about every diaper has had a surprise for me (read about our diapering method here)...  I caught vomit in my hand... and I've had a baby clinging to me since this morning... this is how some days go, and it. is. hard. I am no hero, and by no means do I have it all together. We are good to get from one hour to the next sometimes.

I love hosting showers, and my favorite part of showers are the invitations because invites set the tone for the event: casual vs formal, couples vs individuals, colors/theme, etc. After the invitation has been edited, I enjoy reading the grammar and punctuation to make sure everything is just perfect. I am a nerd about grammar... I still try to be- when I have time. I have been responsible for invitations with the last few showers I have hosted, and I have messed up something on each invitation! I beat myself up over it time and again, but then I have to let it go and realize that while my "cup overflows," so does my plate.

True story... I went to Earthfare to get some pears to make for M and P. As I was peeling them, I thought, these sure smell like mangoes. Low and behold, they were mangoes!!

 So please don't let me fool you. I do NOT have it all together. My head regularly spins. It's a survival thing, and we just do it. It's how women are created.

 I'm excited because I've made it almost 2 weeks without stopping by a Wendy's drive thru! haha! Believe it or not, I actually can have most foods from there! Read about Mac and Paisley's food intolerances here and here.

I thought this was accurate.. except for the Vodka part... I still nurse ;o)

In a world of negativity, I make an effort to be positive. I hope the blog portrays that but not without a sense of readers knowing that I am human just like everyone else. My super power is grace- God's grace, and He has blessed with a supportive husband, family, and friends. Thank you for being the glue that keeps me together when I feel like I'm falling apart! I love you! 

But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

Thank you

Monday, March 26, 2012


I have given into the peer pressure and signed up for a Twitter account. My twitter name is "ashleymckallen" if you want to follow. This is a way for me to keep up with the local news and of course the Kardashian klan. Yes, I watch their shows. I'm not sure where I have time to spare...

During church yesterday I realized that it's time for M and P to go to the nursery. I have been holding out because the pediatrician asked me to wait until April when RSV season is over. We've waited, and now it's time. Mac talked during a majority of the message, and Paisley pendulum swung between fussing (because she was tired) and flirting with any eyes she made contact with.

Here they are in their church clothes...

After church we went to lunch with our small group. Then we came home and slipped into something more comfortable... Nana got them these shirts, and they say "Twins are Twice as Nice". Totally true.

I came across their first pic together... my, how fast they grow! It's bittersweet.

Paisley is SUCH a daddy's girl, and it is absolutely adorable.

 We play before bath each night, and Jordan took a video of their sweet laughter.

Happy Monday! Only 4 days left of this week! :o/


Thursday, March 22, 2012

At 7 Months...

... there are things that have developed just this week, and I want to share them with you. For instance, separation anxiety, here we are. Paisley melts when I leave the room. As flattering as it is, I don't want my number flashing across the screen at church every Sunday :o/ 

Mac says "mamamamamamamama." While I know this isn't actually "mama," it still melts my heart. Jordan says I'm misunderstanding Mac and that he's actually saying "dadadadadadada." Whatever. ;o)

This isn't new, but Paisley, they put safety belts on toys because of you, my dear. You wiggle and squirm out of every chair, swing, seat, position we put you in. Thank goodness you're closely monitored and buckled! 

Mac, you have started grunting! It happens when you're eating or nursing. Weird. Still cute, of course. 

Here is a pic of the knees I talked about in this post: 

We are so ready for summer! Right, Paisley??

Morning play time :o) (the flash shocked P)

Our schedule... and all times are an 'ish :o)
7- wake up and nurse
8:30- cereal and fruit/sweet veg
9- nap
11- nurse
12:30- nap (unless we are running errands, or I am actually running)
2- nurse
3:30- cereal and veg
4- nap
5:30- meltdown starts... I make up songs and dances and perform them while looking for Jordan's car out the windows...
6-6:30- bath
6:30-7- last feeding and bed

Here's a picture we sent to Jordan when he was out of town...

Tomorrow is FRIDAY! Woo hoo!!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy 7 Months!!

Happy SEVEN months, Mac and Paisley!!

Mac, you have mastered a fake cough, and that cracks me up! You cough like 5 times after I look at you... and smile between each cough. Silly boy. 
You love pears, sweet potatoes, and bananas. You don't mind green beans. 
You talk to your sister all the time, and you talk yourself to sleep at nap and bedtime. Tummy time is your favorite as your laid back character could care less about sitting up :o) We still practice, though. I must say, you are a mama's boy, and I. love. it. 
When you laugh really hard, you get the hiccups. It's inevitable. 
I love your chunkiness... I counted 4 creases on your knees tonight.
It takes effort to get a smile, and your numerous facial expressions are hilarious. 
We love our sweet Mac man. 

Paisley, we have figured out your new trick... no matter your mood, if I show you the back of my phone, a radiant smile and giggle comes out of you. We have displayed this for lots of friends (and even our doctor!), and it's pretty stinking cute. 
You are actually a great eater and there's not much you don't like... we gave up on avocados because Mommy couldn't keep them from turning brown :-/ 
You love holding books and bouncing of any sort. As girlie as you are, you do love playing rough with Daddy and Mac before bath. 
You are such a cuddle bug when you're tired. During the day, you don't miss a beat. In fact, you are trying so hard to sit up on your own. When being laid flat, you bend your elbows and put them behind you so there's a prop. Always a girl :o)
We love you, Paisley Grace.

Playtime... and this typical.. "Mom, Paisley stole my book!!!" 

The 7 month photo shoot... Can you see the personalities??  (view left to right)

 Our sweet miracles :o)

We celebrated this birthday with trying bananas for the first time this morning... you love them!

Happy 7 months, Mac and Paisley!!! 

-Mommy and Daddy

Sunday, March 18, 2012

He's Back!!

That's right, my other half is home! He missed us, and we really missed him! M and P were so sweet this morning when they saw him. They would look at him, look at me, look at him, and show a huge grin. So sweet. :o)

This morning I woke up to this purty bag...

... and found this inside...

 ... unwrapped the box...

 ... opened the bag...

... and this beautiful bracelet was inside!!! :oD!!!

Today I went to a baby shower, and Jordan and my mom took the babies and Lilly to the playground. 

Mac and Paisley will be SEVEN months tomorrow!! Can you believe it?!?!?! When do the months stop flying past us??? They'll be driving next week! Goodness! 

I look forward to tomorrow's "Happy 7 Months" post... and all the pictures I have to share :o)


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Whew! My days of being solo are almost complete!! This has definitely been a challenge- between an emergent visit to the GI (labs, exams, etc), my own doctor appointment, and our first time overnight without Jordan. I am thankful for the friends who came to visit (and help!), called to check in, and prayed for my sanity, haha! Thank you! 

-We tried pears this week, and we have a couple of fans :o)
-Mac and Paisley got some quality time with their second cousin, Wesleigh Ann
-This week I plan to write about making baby food  (how easy it is!?)
-I watched "Missing," and I like it! 
-Mac has started tucking in his bottom lip... see below. 
-Paisley's obvious trick: show her my phone, and she beams an ear to ear smile

Here are M and P in their green today... 

Mac and Paisley's cousin, Lilly, spent some time reading to them today. They are into "big kids."

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!


Monday, March 12, 2012

My Little Anchors!

I am excited to share a great find with you today! We all love dressing our little ones in precious clothing, and it can be hard to find someone with creativity, talent, and great service to make sure you get what you want. I have found that in CuddleBug Gifts! The owner- April- is so talented she has been able to take on her business full time. She is great to work with, and I enjoy seeing what she makes.

April has an ETSY shop and a Facebook page, and she posts new things constantly! I admit, I check for updates often, and she never disappoints. 

You can select something that's from her creative side or select fabrics for her to make an item you choose. She has lots of patterns so it's easy to find what you have in mind. 

Here are the first outfits April made for me. Of course Mac and Paisley coordinate :o) 

And here are the newest creations April has made for me... LOVE THEM!! My sweet anchors :o) These are for all you Delta Gammas, Navy Friends, and/or nautical fans~

 Do you think I take enough pictures of them? They see my phone, and this happens :o) Paisley especially loves the camera, go figure.

Check out CuddleBug Gifts! Use the code "CBGLOVE15" and get 15% off your order!! Tell her I sent ya!
