Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy 2 Months, Wells!

My sweet baby Wells. Oh, how I love your snuggles and sounds. You are laid back (perhaps because of your birth order), and you are pure sweetness. Your only real cries are to eat. You do cry when Paisley gets too close. I understand. We've called her 'the blonde monster' a few times. She want to take care of you and reminds us of your needs. Looks like you have two mamas, Wells.

We went for your 2 month check up on January 14, the day you turned 8 weeks. You're a healthy one! It is incredibly rewarding to see that you are growing and nourished by my body. What a special bond we are able to share outside the womb.

You are in solid 3 month outfits. You can wear 0-3 month in Gap footed outfits, but you're in 3/3-6 month sizes in Target one pieces. (Can you tell where we shop for you?) You grew to a size 1 diaper just a week after your birth, and our next diaper purchase will be size 2. (!!!!!) You're growing so fast!!
You aren't a tummy time fan, but when I hold you upright you're great at controlling your head. Surely that's equivalent to tummy time, right?
Acid reflux still bothers you so we are giving you medicine for that twice a day. Dr. Jeanie increased the dosage because of your hearty size, and it's helped you rest. She pointed out a slightly flat spot on the right side of your head where you tend to lay. I learned that babies with reflux do this because it relaxes the esophagus and decreases the acid burn. Interesting. So I turn your head to the right when you lay down... I hope that isn't going to relocate a flat spot... :-/

 You've started smiling a lot, and it melts me! I claim you're a mama's boy. At this age you are pretty attached to me, and your dad is caring for your brother and sisters when I'm with you. It's been a crazy couple of months, but we are blessed... truly blessed. This cup continues to overflow.

You have given me 4-5 hours at night since you turned 8 weeks. Thank you! You'll nurse at 9/10 and then wake about 2/3. Then it's every couple of hours until we get up to start the day.
The co-sleeper is still beside me, and I'm not in any hurry to move you. Soon enough you'll be in your own room. :o)

We love you, precious boy!
-mom and dad

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Happy 8th Birthday, LS!

Lilly Scott turned 8 on January 11. We discuss her birthday party at least twice a month. Every time she attends a party it becomes exactly how she wants to celebrate her own. Finally she decided what she wanted, and I agreed to a slumber party with her closest friends.
Carsen and Bailey came to celebrate with us. They were the ring leaders of the party, and LS was excited to have 'cool' girls there with her friends. It's already started, I'm no longer cool.

The next morning LS asked to go skating. We met a couple of her friends there, and they had a blast.

 Cadence, LS and Gracie
 Even Paisley got in on skating. She wanted to skate so badly, but I was solo and had Wells. We will definitely have to go back to let her try it! This time, Ms. Rachael and Cadence walked around with Paisley. She felt like big stuff.

 After skating we met Mimi, Geep and Caitlin at Steak N Shake per Lilly's birthday lunch request.
 Then we came back to the house.
Caitlin brought her rollerblades so she and LS could skate around the cul de sac.
 We ended the birthday celebration with a bubble bath and the jets going full force. The girls loved all the bubbles. It made quite the bubbly mess.

Lilly Scott/ Scotty,

You are such a girl. You love dresses and shoes. You covet your personal time and acknowledge when it is needed. Your imagination is incredible as you can entertain yourself with the most random items. Reading isn't your favorite, but you are learning how important it is. I appreciate what a helper you can be, and I love the heart you possess. You get frustrated with Paisley who wants to be with you every second, but you really are a great big sister. When I hear how you teach her and love her, it touches my heart. Thank you for giving her the attention she craves from you.

You're a smart one! You make great grades, and you have so many friends who adore you. Drama is definitely a part of our world with you, and I hope one day it pays you well ;o)

You love, love cheetah print. Your laughter is contagious, and once the giggle box is turned, laughter fills the room.

I love you, sweet girl. You are a mix of dependent and independent. You struggle with not being good at everything and often give up after the first attempt. One goal we are working on is being involved in a team sport- swimming. We are starting with lessons to strengthen your swim strokes, and hopefully you'll progress to swim team. We'll see!

You are such a homebody. You would stay in your pajamas and at home 24/7 if you could. It's actually an ordeal to go places sometimes because you resist. Stubborn could be a word to describe you, my darling. I'm not sure where you get it ;-)

We love you, LS!

-Mom and Dad

The Last of the Cast

Celebrate good times, come on! After 6 weeks, the cast is off, and we are in full rehabilitation mode.
We went to the doctor January 20 for x-rays. We were hopeful all would be healed, and our prayers were answered 'yes' to get off the cast. Hallelujah!
This is how he started every night. We tucked him into bed, and he would scream until we got him. He would lay in our bed until he could fall asleep. We did love the sweet cuddles :o)
The last few weeks of the cast Mac was REALLY over it all. He was impatient, tired of everything he had been doing and pretty grumpy. It's like the first couple weeks he was adjusting, we hit kind of a plateau for a few days, then it was back downhill as he was completely ready to be independent of the cast. We all were ready for this day to learn what our next step would be.

 I took pictures of his cast signatures just in case it would be cut to pieces.

 The spot on LS' name is where he ventured out the last week of the cast. He started asking to crawl and would pull himself around with his arms. He loved his newfound independence, but it wore him out quickly. We would take turns crawling around with him to motivate his movement. Even Paisley got in on the fun :o)

 Waiting to see the orthopedist!
 Now waiting to get to business and cut off the cast. It was definitely scary for Mac, but this was so temporary for the long term result.
I was fortunate to be at this appointment because Nana was at home with LS and Paisley.
Thanks, Nana!

 Let's go home!!
 First things first... bath time! He had been asking to get in the bath for 2 weeks.
Back in gingham!
 After nap we went to a neighbor's playground where Mac could swing.
I wasn't sure where Mac would be (physically) after getting off the cast. He has been timid and very cautious of any movement. The best thing we did was put him in the bath (twice!) the first couple of days. He would freely move his legs there. Outside of the bath, he often sits like the cast is still on. We were told he would be his own best therapy.
He isn't pushing himself to try new things just yet. He is scooting on the floor. After the first few days he has started pulling himself up, and that lasts a few minutes before his legs start to shake. We are on the mend, my friends.
I have signed him up for aquatic therapy to strengthen his muscles. We start next week! His legs are pretty skinny now from the muscle atrophy. He lost 12 pounds. :o( 
His appetite is still scarce, but we are working on it. This boy can have whatever he wants to eat!
Thank you for following this journey.
We go back to the doctor February 17 and will update as we can.
as always,

Our Christmas 2013

I can't believe Christmas has come and gone. It's one of those things I look forward to all year, and it flew by this year! Thank goodness it comes around every year :) We were able to spend our holiday season with family in Murfreesboro and Chattanooga.
The weekend before Christmas we went to Murfreesboro for the Allen family Christmas. It was a LOT bringing 4 kids, but making memories for my kids trumped convenience.

We went to Paxton's hockey game Saturday morning and opened gifts that night. We fellowshipped over delicious foods and fun. I love how much the cousins love one another. In my childhood I was never close to any cousins so I relish the idea of my kids having what I didn't. It's pretty special.

My parents and brother (Uncle Jeff) came for Christmas at our house. The kids woke up to all the goodies of Christmas morning. We held of on some gifts until Mac is able to enjoy them. I didn't want to separate him any more than he already felt segregated from Lilly Scott and Paisley.

Mac had fun playing with his Cars track, LS was pumped about rollerblades, Paisley was excited about all the festivities and wrapping paper and Wells was super stoked about his 4 new pacifiers.


My mom made a heap of sausage balls, and we had our traditional hors devours lunch. Over lunch Lilly Scott read the Christmas story from her Bible, and we celebrated the birth of our Savior.

It was another special day with family where we relaxed, napped and enjoyed quality time.


as always,