Wednesday, February 29, 2012

We have our first...

... ear infection :o( Last night was pretty rough with Paisley. She went to sleep at bedtime and woke up at 10 crying. Jordan went to soothe her {it was one of those screaming cries, and I don't let them do that for very long}, but she wouldn't have it. We were up with her until 11:20, and I put her in the swing to sleep... "desperate times call for desperate measures."

The swing didn't last long, so I rocked her, then finally laid down with her, and we both fell asleep for almost 2 hours. Then we were up every 20 minutes after that. At one point P was burning up and had a 100.8 temp! 

Needless to say I called our pediatrician this morning, and Jordan took P to see her this afternoon. I am so thankful for the intuition God gives us mothers! Paisley was happy today so I could have waited another day, but my heart said to take her. It also helps that we had lots of ear infection talk over the weekend as we visited our family because Jordan and I grew up having lots and lots of ear infections. 

We will start her on an antibiotic and baby Aleve tonight-- I hated giving her Tylenol last night because of her liver issues and acetaminophen being so hard on the liver. 
it's also teething central around here

On a side note, Caleb had his trach put in today. Surgery went well, and he will be spending several days in the ICU. Please continue praying for this sweet boy. His first birthday is next week!! You can follow Caleb's story here.

Knox is home from the hospital! While his sister has been diagnosed with the same virus Knox had, she hasn't had to be hospitalized. Click here to read more about Knox and his family.

The twins I mentioned last week are also doing well! They are taking 1 ounce of their mommy's breast milk from a bottle! I am so proud of their mom for persevering and giving Hasten and Hadley the absolute best!

Baby G has a healthy heart beat!!!!!!! Baby G's mom and dad got to hear his/her heart beat, and they are so excited!! Rejoice!

Praise Jesus for being faithful even when we are not!You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.Isaiah 26:3


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Resolutions Continue

Our resolution to "get fit" in 2012 is still a reality for us. Woo hoo! Granted, it's still February, but I'll take it! 

I have been walking 3-4 hours a week for the past month, and it's nice to feel like I'm regaining my endurance. This week I downloaded and started the "Couch to 5k" app. It's pretty easy. It requires that you run 3 times a week, and the program alternates between walking and running. Having spent so much time on bedrest, my legs lost a lot of strength so it's important for me to start with baby steps. At least I'm moving forward! 

I wanted to capture some of our outings thus far to share with you :o)
This was one of the first beautiful days we had a couple of weeks ago. I'll squat beside the stroller next time so you can see the {cutest} cargo         

close up of M and P
Exercise 'play date' yesterday with our friend Mandy and her daughter, Lanie.
We aired out our feet after our run... They loved it.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sweet Potatoes!!

At the 6 month check up, Paisley was given the okay to start foods. We really had the go ahead at the 4 month appointment, but we chose to wait and see what the GI (gastroenterologist) recommended. We were advised to wait until blood was out of their stool before introducing anything new. Paisley was clear of blood 3 weeks after I eliminated eggs and tree nuts, and Mac was right behind her. What a praise!? Their tender bellies are healing! 

Here are pictures I took of the first bites of sweet potatoes :o)

Paisley puts her thumb in her mouth between bites.. So she doesn't have as many pictures because we ended up with sweet potatoes all over our hands. She does like them, though! She eats about half a jar at each "meal". I still give them cereal also.

 Mac wasn't a fan of the sweet potatoes at first.... he actually gagged the first time, but he's become quite the sweet potato fan, I promise. Over the two feedings, he eats two 4 oz jars a day! I took pictures of his new expressions during meals. 

Sweet babies!! I will keep them on the same food for a week and then introduce them to winter squash on Wednesday! 


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jesus loves the little children

We are so blessed in numerous ways. One way that we have been blessed is with health. Our health and the health of Mac and Paisley. Even though M and P entered the world at 35 weeks, they were able to come home with us when we left the hospital. Paisley had a short stay in the NICU for monitoring, but she joined us the following evening. 

Being a mom, I have a new sensitivity for children who are suffering from sickness and moms who are carrying sweet babies in the womb who have received special attention for a particular situation. After we lay M and P down to sleep, Jordan and I pray over them and lift up our friends' babies in the womb {Collier, Stella, Junebug, Thomas, baby Wolfenden, baby Eaves, baby Arp- to name a few} and those who are born.

I want to use today's post as a platform to share some stories with you and ask that you join Jordan and me in lifting up these families in prayer.

Caleb- This sweet baby came into the world 16 weeks early (in March 2011), and he weighed 1 pound 6 ounces. He was 12 1/4 inches long. Caleb is a fighter, and he has overcome numerous obstacles. This precious boy came home after about 6 months in the NICU. He has fought cardiac issues, pneumonia, and many other trials that prove to us there is an Almighty physician caring for him. Currently, Caleb is scheduled to have a trachea put in to help him breathe as he continues to struggle to maintain good oxygen levels. The doctors believe that with a trach, Caleb will have more energy to progress his motor skills. You can read more about Caleb here.

 Hasten and Hadley- I was contacted by a loving grandmother who asked for prayers for her twin grandchildren. Hasten was 2 pounds 1 ounce when he was born, and his sister, Hadley, weighed 1 pound 11 ounces at birth. Their mom was almost 27 weeks pregnant when she delivered due to toxemia. The babies are said to be in the NICU until their due date, April 2. Their dad is home from Afghanistan and is able to be with his family as they face these precious times with the sweet babies. 

Knox- This sweet boy is also a twin, and he and his twin sister, Sloane, share birthdays with Mac and Paisley! Too cool. Knox has been diagnosed with metapneumovirus. He is in the hospital receiving IV fluids, breathing treatments, chest therapy, medicated nasal drops, saline, and suction. You can read more about Knox here.

Gibson and Larkin- These twin boys are still in the womb, and their mom is in the hospital receiving magnesium to stop labor. She is currently dilated to 3 cm and fighting to keep contractions at a minimum. Gibson and Larkin are 22 weeks gestation. 

Baby G- Like all babies, this baby is a gift from above and an answered prayer. Baby G is in the first trimester, and mom and dad have seen a heart beat! This is such a praise since Baby G's mom and dad have been through a lot in the past year. Keeping this as anonymous as possible, I want to share how you can pray for this miracle... Please lift up this baby and ask for a healthy, viable pregnancy that will progress into a beautiful baby for friends who desire to be parents. 

Mac and Paisley- you know these miracles :o) We received word today that their liver enzymes continue to be highly elevated. The next step is to look at family medical records and a lot of blood work. The GI shared that the amount of blood work required is too much to complete in one visit so we will have to get the labs drawn over several visits to the hospital. The unknown can be intimidating, and I've pleaded for their health. It is no coincidence that the Lord has surrounded me with other families who also seek Jesus' face and wisdom as we ... walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. Psalm 23:4

6 month doctor's visit- 2.20.12

How can we pray for your family?  Please share your requests in the comments or email me. :o)


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy 6 Months!!

First off, I can NOT believe you are already 6 months old- half a year!! I know I'll blink again, and you'll be in school, then off to college. I am not ready for that. Turning 6 months is emotional enough for me right now. I have tears just reflecting on these months. How they go by so fast. 

To our sweet babies:

Paisley- You still smile with your eyes, and it makes my day every time I see such sincere joy. I love that you wrinkle your nose with your smile when you get excited. You are very verbal, sweet P. You talk when you wake up from naps, when you eat, while we play, and before you go to sleep. Sometimes you talk when you wake up in the middle of the night. You have a sweet voice.... most of the time. I admit, when I'm changing your diaper and your brother is still asleep, the pacifier is a mute button. Saying "shhh" just makes you laugh. 

You love your cereal! After each bite we always say, "mmmmm," and that wrinkled nose kind of smile beams from ear to ear. Thank you for thinking I'm funny. I know God must get quite a kick out of the dancing, singing, and silliness that goes on in our home. :o)

You have certainly found your feet, and you love playing with them! You love looking at books! You enjoy sitting in the high chair so you can see everything. When being carried, you turn your head from side to side in order to see your environment. You are incredibly attentive, and if I sneak out of the room, most often you cry. I don't have to interact with you at all times, but you are secure with someone in sight. 

You are up to 2 tablespoons of cereal twice a day. We actually started a new schedule today, and I hope you adjust well. You don't nap very long- usually about 45 min to an hour. 

I am excited to watch you grow into a beautiful young lady. I hope your heart continues to be sensitive to others and forever endearing. I love you.

Mac- You are laid back and easy going. You don't get upset often, and it takes a hungry belly or tired body to make you cry. You have a sweet, open mouth smile :o) I love making you laugh since you are easily chuckled. When you're tired, you start humming. Even in your crib, you hum yourself to sleep. 

 You roll over every time I lay you on your back, and you are starting to push up on your hands. Nap times are pretty easy with you, though you are partial to me laying you down. I love holding you when you're tired because the cuddling is so sweet. :o)

Your favorite toys are your hands, your lovey, blowing raspberries with your tongue, and the play gym. You are so proud of yourself as you hit something that makes noise. You look around for praise. It's so sweet, my Macaroo.

You are such a sweet, sweet boy. I embrace our moments while I am the only girl in your life. I love you, Mac.

Here are your 6 month pictures, M and P! 

Thank you for believing that I hung the moon, sweet babies, and thank you for giving me six incredible months. Tear. :o)

-mommy and daddy

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Yay, Thursday!

Mac and Paisley's Mimi and Geep (Jordan's  parents) came to visit today! It's been fun visiting, and we are excited to have them here :o) We were so excited M and P had to get lots of rest.

We were ready when Mimi and Geep got here. They gave lots of hugs and kisses, and we had a great visit. Jordan came home early, and we love those days! 

M and P were all giggles today, and they are super excited to have their Mimi and Geep here overnight.

They couldn't stay up for the slumber party, but M and P will rejoin the party in the morning. :o)


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentine's Day!! We made cards, but they're still sitting in my kitchen because Paisley's aren't finished. Here is a picture of Mac's Valentine's card-

He squeezed his toes together on the left foot. It was fun watching his reaction to having paint on his feet and between his toes. :o)

Today we went to the children's hospital to have their labs drawn. The GI wants to check their liver enzyme levels. Paisley's continues to be elevated, and we checked Mac's to see where his level is. My dad has chronic elevated liver enzymes so this could be a genetic issue. We need to get medical files to let Paisley and Mac's GI look at the charts. Hopefully it's nothing, but we welcome any prayers on their behalf. 

Here they are after having their blood drawn... Mac was pitiful. Paisley doesn't fuss as much.It turns my stomach. 

I talked here about Mac popping his head up after nap, and I finally got a picture to show you:

Happy Valentine's Day from Mac and Paisley!
