Seriously... 8 months... We are quickly approaching the reality where Mac and Paisley have been born longer than they were in the womb. I can't believe it. Wow. Pinch me!
I have lots of pictures to share :o) And here are my words to Mac and Paisley on their 8th month.
Mac Man,
You are why I can't wear dangle earrings. You grab and pull everything you can. I laid on the floor between you and your sister the other day imagining I would be covered in kisses. Well that didn't happen... instead you used my face as a drum and Paisley pulled my hair.
Mac you have started this grunt that I haven't figured out what it always means... usually you do this grunt when you're hungry and have finished what was in your bowl. There's all kinds of other times you do this extended clearing of the throat. As a vocalist, I can't help but think that you're harming your vocal cords.
Boy- oh boy! You bang on everything! You aren't a picky eater at all. You dad accidentally fed you something that wasn't even fresh. Paisley threw it up, but you ate every bit. :o/ Sorry about that.
Whenever I lie you down to change your diaper or dress you, it's a battle. You are always rolling onto your stomach so you won't miss anything. I roll you back, you roll back, and it becomes a game. Then I tickle you, and you'll stay on your back.
You've developed this frog leg kick as a means to get places. It doesn't get you far since your belly isn't lifted, but it's a start!
You have this fake cough that cracks Dad and me up. You know we've got your number, but you just smile and stick out your tongue between coughs. Cutie.
This month you've said "Ma ma ma ma ma" and "Da da da da da". While it isn't exactly, "mama" and "dada," it's certainly the beginning of your vocabulary... You've also gotten your first ear infection :o(
You chew your pjs and any other shirt you can put in your mouth... You love TV, which I have mixed feelings about... Your favorite shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sesame Street, and the Target commercial that sings "Alouette". The only time we watch tv is when I'm listening to The Today Show in the mornings or the last 30 minutes of the day before Daddy gets home. Unless it's pretty outside. Then we go for a walk or visit Jessica or Leslie.
Just today you taught me that you move faster than I realize! I put down your bowl of food to encourage you to do the sign for "more". You, big man, picked up the bowl and handed it to me instead. I got the message... and more food :o)
We are so in love with you, and it is my prayer that you stay as sweet as you've been since birth. Your personality presents itself more each day. Thank you for being our son.
Love, "Mama" and "Dada"
Paisley Grace,
Sweet girl, you are all girl! You love dresses and bows and jewelry. You giggle and fluff your dress all the time. You're trying to crawl... you do a bend in half and then get mad when you get stuck. You let out an intense cry until you see someone coming toward you. Silly girl.
We've discovered that peas and green beans are not your friend. :o( You still love your sweet potatoes and say "mmmmmmm" between each bite.
You have a high pitched squeal and giggle. You really make me laugh constantly. Your new trick is picking up your foot and dropping it because you've learned it makes a thud. It's mostly an attention getter, of course.
In the mornings, it's not unusual for me to find you turned completely around in your crib with an arm outside the neck of your pajamas. That's because you are a squirmer!
This morning you taught me that your hands are faster than mine... While I encouraged you to use sign language, you picked up the bowl and dropped it on the floor. Then that grin appeared.
You chew on your feet because you're so flexible. We joke that we have a little gymnast on our hands.
I love that you let me put big fancy bows and flowers in your hair. :o)
This month you've really chunked up, sweet girl! You're still a dainty one, and those legs creases are increasing.
You are such a daddy's girl, and he's pretty fond of you too. You love on your brother quite a bit, but he isn't as fond of your affection. It doesn't deter you though.
We love you, sweet P. We love this journey we are on with you, and we are blessed to be your parents.
Love, Mommy and Daddy
The monthly pictures I take with their onesies... well they were more interested in chewing the shirts than posing for me.
These are the pictures I took before morning nap. I copied this from Pinterest. Gotta love those ideas :o)
Kisses from P
Birthday playdate with Casey, Mary, Emory and Ashley :o)
Proud Mama :o)
Happy 8 months, my sweet babies... who aren't going to be "babies" much longer.
I love this! Almost made me cry!!!! Happy 8 months, precious babies! (ps Mac and tobin are going to be best buds...I can tell!!)