This post is a reflection of my heart today...
Life is about learning, and I continue to be a student every day. I learn to prioritize my time, handle grocery shopping, keeping a house (a constant struggle with two nuggets crawling around), which clothes should have been washed in cold water, that second helping of cereal wasn't worth it, and so on and so forth. Some lessons are important, some are trivial.
Parenting.. ahhhh, parenting. I will admit- I was one of those childless people who claimed to know children and 'how to parent'. My friend Mary and I even joked sometimes that we could write a parenting book though neither of us were parents. I mean, I have a degree in working with children, she's a nurse, and we both grew up babysitting lots of kids. Boy was I wrong! This is a lesson I learn everyday: how clueless I was (and still am!)
Babies, kids they don't come with a manual. It's tough. My easy peasy toaster came with instructions, but kids-- yeah right, no way. I remember being so intimidated by Mac and Paisley when we first brought them home. I cried when my mom left because I was so afraid of being here- solo- with two newborns. Well, they're almost 10 months old, and while I haven't even begun to scratch the surface on being a parent, they have taught me so much!
Becoming a mother has taught me how little I really knew before Mac and Paisley. I could profess my knowledge all day long, but until I've walked this journey, claiming to know or advise better than my peers is quite silly (and immature on my part). Whether the lesson is about developing a routine, how to dress, even discipline, I have learned to trust those who walk in their own shoes. With eyes on Him, I am humbled by my own unworthiness (of Him, Jesus, even Mac and Paisley).
I was on the outside before, and while I'm still on the outside of others' lives, I'm on the inside of a parental role. I have been blessed to have some amazing women parent alongside me. Women whom I can ask advice or suggestions about anything, and I value their insight. Most have been a parent longer than me, and I respect the experience they have.
Let's pick each other up by our bootstraps, and let's do this! It is my prayer that God's wisdom and grace continue to surround my friends and me as we embark on this incredible journey.
If Mac and Paisley have taught me anything, it's how little I really know. I embrace the loving arms of the Heavenly Father who desires to teach me- even through infants. :o)