Here we are again.. Do I start every month post like this? Because I certainly feel like I do. The new month is always a reality check that time doesn't slow no matter what. I've always found that looking forward old man time seems so slow and advanced, but we look backward at the same number of days/weeks/months/years, and time has absolutely flown. All the more reason to be still, my friends.
You are 11 months old TODAY. Stop it. I can't believe it. This month has been yet another time frame allotted to witness and document your growth and personality. Even the loss of your first tooth. Gasp. It has happened. Keep reading for the details...
This month you started pulling up on almost everything. You've not let go, but we are in no hurry. I know what happens after than step, buddy. Your temperament is still pretty calm, but you've started this straightening of your arms and legs and a loud grunt when you're not happy. You, mister, are letting us know when something isn't okay with you. Today you wore hard sole Keds (Mac's first pair) to church, and you grunted and kicked the whole way to church. You're in between shoe sizes in the soft sole shoes so we don't have a pair. The weather keeps playing tricks on me, and this morning I spent 30 minutes in the attic trying to find your size in a collared shirt for church. You ended up in a 2T that was hanging in the closet.
This month you clap your hands and siiiiing, boy, you sing! We've gotten a piece of your tune on video, but there is so much more where it comes from.
You're in 12-18 month sizes, sleep and eat like a champ, and melt hearts everywhere. I've failed to write about your church buddy, Mr. Terry, but he's rocked you during church since your first time in the nursery. You love him, and I'm pretty sure it makes his morning to snuggle you. :o) Now he has to sit on the floor because you're ready to go, but I know he gets a few cuddles still.
You watch your brother and sisters every.single.minute. When we wake up M and P from nap, you kick and squeal from excitement. It's so cute to see you watch and follow after them. The older you get, the more they'll play with you, I promise. You always get 1:1 time in the bath with Mac. You both love the water, and Paisley is too busy trying to get out so she can see what everyone else is doing.
We went to the beach this month. In your short 11 months you've been to Disney World and the beach twice. I'm glad Jesus gave you an adaptable spirit since we are a busy family on the go!
On the last month post, I wrote about the tumble you took. I was more concerned about the bump on your head, but your tooth took more of a beating than I realized. At first I noted it was pushed up, then as it came back down I saw it was chipped. Last weekend it started to turn gray. I am overwhelmed with guilt even as I write this... We went to the dentist last week, and the x ray showed your tooth was dying from the inside out. So within 20 hours we went back to have that tiny piece of your babyhood removed. I was a mess about it, but God has given me such a peace in our decision to follow Dr. Jason's advice.
The night before the procedure you wouldn't sleep. You woke up about every hour and just cried. I kept you beside me all night for my heart and yours. Dad took a picture of us snoozing.
Our appointment at 7:30 the next morning...
You were such a trooper, and I rubbed your foot and talked to you the entire time. After the 473954th time of my saying your name and reminding you that I loved you, I realized the dental staff probably wanted to put tape over my mouth. Oh well. You knew I was there even when you couldn't see me, and that is all that mattered.
A huge part of the peace we feel is that you've not woken in the middle of the night since the tooth was removed. That is an answered prayer to know that you're not in pain, sweet babe.
A huge part of the peace we feel is that you've not woken in the middle of the night since the tooth was removed. That is an answered prayer to know that you're not in pain, sweet babe.
We love you, Wellsy!
-mom and dad