Little bits, you keep growing. You're taller, smarter, funnier, and more independent. This turning 4 is surreal to me. This year you've started your second to last year of preschool. Time refuses to slow down, and I continue to pray that I can savor every minute of goodness in our time before your entire day is spent with a school teacher. Since quality time is my love language, this is important to me. It is so incredibly important that we can share special memories of joy, laughter, and lesson learning as your independence in the world grows.
This year we had a Pirates and Mermaid party. Boys decorated treasure chests, and the girls decorated tiaras. We had a dress up corner for photo props, and a pirate ring toss with a chest of treasures.
I know the days of sharing a birthday are limited, but perhaps they'll last longer than most. You two are the best of friends, and your love and consideration of one another makes my heart beam with joy and pride.
You asked for 'a monster truck with a remote control like at Mimi and Geep's house' to everyone who showed curiosity. I was fearful of 28 monster trucks, I'll be honest. We're learning about money management (give, save, spend) as well as super heroes. That gave more options for your birthday.
On the big day we went to the jump park. You love playing dodgeball with the 'blueberries'.
We met Dad and Mr. Matt for lunch, and you got sprite and dessert. Only on your birthday. ;-)
This isn't a birthday picture, but we went to the dentist the week you turned 4. Your second visit to see Dr. Jason, and you did great!
M, you really don't have a preference with material things. You love what others love. You celebrate others. Your heart is kind, so very kind. You say the sweetest, most sincere prayers. You thank Jesus for everything and everyone on a daily basis. I can't begin to explain the swelling in my chest when I hear your words to the Creator. It reminds me of what He must feel when we praise Him. Thank you for showing me this glimpse of pure joy and pride.
Blue is your favorite color. Every night you love to play Hulk smash with Dad. Your favorite food is yogurt, chicken, McAlister's baked potato, rice, Chick Fil A polynesian sauce, and anything sweet. You are obedient and a pleaser. You also whine, which is not my favorite, but whiny wash helps. TV and blowing bubbles are favorites to pass time. You're also a champ at Temple Run, which you call 'Scary'. The high score I can remember is 99,300. I can't get beyond 1000, and I'm pretty sure that's a pity points collection. Your favorite song is
Jesus Loves the Little Children, and it is requested every night during bedtime snuggles.
This was your first all boys trip with Dad, Uncle Kyle, Paxton, and Blake. You got to ride on a plane, subway, and Uber cab. You went to Chicago for a Cubs game at Wrigley. Daddy set the bar pretty high ;-)
Putting into words how we feel about you is impossible. I can't begin to do that for any of my kids, but I hope that you always know we love you unconditionally, pray for your hearts daily, and open ourselves as a safe place for you always.
-Mom and Dad
Paisley Grace,
Darling. You are the life of so many environments. Rarely do you have a still moment. You're the mother of all those younger than you, and others older love to mother you. This doesn't seem to be an issue because you adore older girls. Thankfully you have a big sister who loves time with you more often than not.
When finally still and buckled down, this is what happens:
You make us laugh. Your smile is infectious, and you are so fun. And daring. So daring, my sweet, stubborn mini. There is no denying you're my little miss: matters are taken into your own hands, a strong front doesn't mean the inside isn't shaken, and you're a care taker. Here's proof of the 'do it yourself' little that you are. I didn't have the heart to 'fix' you for a bit.
During your birthday week we went to the dentist. You did great!
The letter P is your favorite to write, and we celebrate each small victory as you prefer us to do. Attention is a motivator for correction and an encourager for being obedient. You enjoy picking out your clothes and declining mostly what I choose. So it has begun.
The healthy eater award goes to you: salad, cucumber, carrots, chicken, pickles, apples. You LOVE cheese in any form and ask for it constantly. Thankfully you enjoy salad to counter all that cheese. Climbing is also a favorite to pass time. We need a rock wall.
The newest loves of your life are your Bitty Baby twins, Caitlin and David. Next in line is your bicycle. You are so active, and I love it... mostly. Hey, it's who
you are, and that is a precious thing.
We love you, P, and we love watching your growth and compassion for others. Thank you for being such a lively spirit in our home, and thank you for adoring something about every person you meet. You see value in every little thing, and that is such an amazing example of how Jesus loves His children {which is also a favorite song}. Before I close, I want to share your first favorite song at bedtime, which is
He's Got the Whole World In His Hands. Then we take turns putting people in the song like 'Nana and Paw Paw' 'Mimi and Geep' 'Uncle Jeff and Aunt Amy' and Nash is always thrown somewhere in there.
My darling Paisley, you are joy-filled and a daughter of the King. Never forget the traits given to you, and continue to use them for His glory.
-Mom and Dad
Here are pictures of the big FOUR year old check up where Mac was stellar at the vision chart, and Paisley kept saying she could state what letter it was if she could get closer. :o) Which ended in Paisley labeled '20/30'. Haha.
We love Dr. Jeanie!